Hello Dancers and Families: Congratulations to our graduating seniors: Christiana, Sage and Malena. The studio is so proud of all of you and we can't wait to see what you do next.To all our dancers, where has this year gone! I hope your summer is off to a great start. Here is the news of the week so please read carefully especially recital performers. Don't forget tuition is due. To our families on Auto-payment plans, your accounts will be suspended until your dancer returns for either summer or fall classes. Fees will be adjusted according to classes and schedules so you need to do nothing. Thank you for allowing me to service your accounts. Our last class of our 34th season will be held on Wednesday, June 14th due to our recital. Class will resume again with our July schedule on the 5th and fall start on July 31. * Summer classes are open and there is no registration fee, it is a great time to take a class/ 2 or 3 or try something new. Fees are based on our current tuition of 4 hours week are $70 with the exception of tumbling. This Tuesday 90 minute intensive is $100 and filling up. * Our tentative fall schedule is also open for registration and enrollment. Fall classes start July 31! Dancers will begin to receiver their suggested fall schedule in the coming weeks. If your dancer wants to see me, I can give it to them at the desk. * The Nutcracker Boot camp is also back by popular demand from July 31- August 4- 10 - 1:00 Dancers need to be in level 2 or higher. Dancers interested in performing in the Nutcracker in studio event need not attend the boot camp but will need to enroll in the fall Repertoire class on Fridays from 5:30-6:30 for rehearsals. If you are interested and can not attend please let me know so I can give you more information. * Recital show order and dress rehearsal times are attached to this message. Parents - dress rehearsal times are not the same as the show order so please review the dress rehearsal call times in advance for next Thursday at Orange Coast College. Dancers arrive early for your times, as I often am early. I will not tech a piece before the block time, but that block time means you are ready to step on stage. Being late may mean you miss your rehearsal time. * Recital dancers Saturday is the last day to order Subway for dress rehearsal. $9.00 gets your sandwich drink, chips and dessert. * Don't forget to get your tickets before the show, prices increase at the door: https://28393.danceticketing.com/. and sign up in the studio for the recital video links. * More: Rehearsal this Saturday: Mom's 8:30-10:00 Lion King Production 9-2:00- if you did not get a previous message from me please let me know. * and More: we will be holding a nut free bake sale this Saturday with proceeds to the Disney Team. Please bring your dollars and change and help our team kick off a great start. * and still More: We are holding a choreography rehearsal/ Disney audition day on Tuesday June 20 from 10-2:00. Dancers who want to peform on our Disney Team or dancers who may be interested are welcome to come to this date. There is no fee and you are not committing to the team, just helping with the audition. Dancers need to be 7 years old by June of 2024 to participate per Disney requirements. See me for more information. I think that is all for now, please let me know what I have missed, where our dress rehearsal will be held and if you need anything. Thank you all for reading and stay well. Kindly, Lori
Hello Dancers: To many of you congratulations and happy last week of school. I know there is a lot going on for all of you this week and the studio is now exception, so refer back to this message at a later date as it contains recital information you will need. * June tuition is due and thank you, Venmo link attached. Dancers who are on auto pay will have their accounts suspended after this month until dancers re-enroll either in July or the fall. So thank you in advance to all the families on auto-pay. ATTENTION DANCERS IN Miss Karie's Thursday 6:30-8:30 class, due to graduations her class will be cancelled this week only with a rehearsal after Lion King. * Rehearsals this Saturday: Mom's Dance 8:30-10:00. (There is still time to join us!). Lion King-9-2:00- ALL- Bring all costumes and accessories that you have and bring lunch - you will get a break. Miss Karie's Thursday Level 4 dancers from 2-3:00. * More: RECITAL UPDATES: TIckets on sale: use this link and remember prices are higher at the door: https://28393.danceticketing.com/ * Dress rehearsal info is attached to this message - dancers, this is not the show order. The show order can be found at the studio or in previous messages with the cast list previews. Please pay attention and remember both shows are not the same! * Dancers feel free to bring/wear your costumes in class next week to get familiar with them. It is not required, but if you would like dance in your costumes then you are free to do so. Miss Jordyn would like all of her choreography class dancers to bring a pastel shirt to class and the appropriate footwear to class next Tuesday. * Sign up in the studio for flowers/Subway and the video link. Parents, I strongly encourage you to purchase the video links to the shows. Please watch the performance, when you video, you miss so much of the whole experience not to mention it distracts the dancers and fellow audience members alike when all the phones go up. The link is attached to this message and you can also find it on the website under recital. The best way to get the link is to sign up directly, but you are welcome to sign up in the studio as well. You can pay through the parent portal or Venmo for the links: $30.00 * and More: Summer and Fall Classes are available on our website. Miss Connie's Tuesday tumbling intensives will sell out so sign up in advance if you want to take her class. Her fee is $100 for the month of July, If you dancer has approval and is interested in the pre-pointe workshop there is also an added fee for supplies. Please sign up in advance to help me prepare your dancer for this experience. Remember, there is no registration fee for the summer and you don't pay until you take classes. Fees are based on our tuition rate of 4 classes for $70.00. The schedule is designed for mix and match and flexibility to take and try new things. In the coming weeks, dancers will be receiving fall recommendation classes with our new schedule, or if you are interested in learning more about placement just ask me. Thank you in advance. * DISNEY IS A GO! I have had great interest in performing at Walt Disney World next summer and will be moving forward with the audition process. While this week and the looming recital has everyone busy, Dancers who are attending or have a high probabability of performing next June in Walt Disney World, FLorida, please contact the studio for more information and reserve the date of TUESDAY, JUNE 20 from 10-3:00 for audition and video submisison. Per Disney requirements, dancers need to be 7 at the time of the performance to participate. I will reach out to all of you in a separate email with more details. Looking Ahead: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 - our last classes of our 24th season. June 15, 16 and 17th dress rehearsal/ performances at Orange Coast College June 19- July 4- CLOSED FOR SUMMER RECESS July 5th - SUMMER CLASSES July 29 - Toy Story Marathon and Disney World Fundrasier at the studio starting at 10:30 a.m. details to follow July 31- Fall Classes and Nutcracker Boot Camp begin I think that is all for now, trying to keep it light. Please let me know what I have missed, how many recitals we are doing this June, and if you need anything. Have a wonderful week and see you all soon or sooner. Kindly, Lor
Greetings Dancers and Families: Our studio is again busy with opportunities so kindly read this message and let me know what I have missed and if you need anything. *** NO REHEARSALS THIS WEEKEND *** REMINDER WE ARE CLOSED MONDAY FOR MEMORIAL DAY******** * Thank you parents and dancers who came to the Disney meeting last night. From the response and emails it is looking like we are able to move forward with the audition. Please confirm your full commitment by June 10th so I can begin the audition process. All roles in the Greatest Showman are open for casting and auditions will take place once we reach enough dancers to proceed. There are a lot of roles for dancers of all ages, and abilities however dancers participating must be 7, this is a Disney Requirement. Pending Disney approval, the piece is presented like our studio production numbers as once continuous 25 minute performance. Parents if you would like to receive more information email the studio. * More: Attached to this message is the recital show order. Dancers please check the cast list and show orders as most dancers are in both shows, but not all dances are in both shows... I know a little confusing..... but keeps us moving and keeps the shows from being 4 hours long..... Don't forget tickets are on sale on line.... they go up at the door so get them before the show. https://28393.danceticketing.com/ * and More: Sign up in the studio for pre-sale flowers, $6.00, $9.00 Subway and Video links $30 each show..... ( I am working with Jordyn and the videographer to smooth out the distribution of the links but the links have been received very favorably! * Still More: Our summer classes and now, tentative fall classes are available on line. Dancers you are able to register for fall which will start July 31.... I know,,, it's still summer. Our Nutcracker Boot Camp is back again by popular demand, July 31- August 4th. Dancers in Ballet II and up or with approval. Dancers need not attend the boot camp to be a part of the performance, but a little different this year is the repertoire class will continue this fall with Nutcracker rehearsals and repertoire. Dancers can take the repertoire class and learn choreography even if they are unable to or do not want to perform Fees include boot camp and costumes. https://app.thestudiodirector.com/danceworksoforangecoun/portal.sd LOOKING AHEAD: * Saturday, June 3 - 9-2:00 -Lion King dancers - everyone dress rehearsal for costumes that you have . Bring lunch you will get a break. * Saturday, June 3 - Mom's Dance rehearsal- 8:30-10:00- it's not too late to join us; your Lion King dancers can come early and get ready for rehearsal with you.....- check the cast list in the matinee to make sure I added everyone correctly. * Dress rehearsal at Orange Coast College Thursday, June 15 - schedule attached. * Show Friday and Saturday, June 16 and 17th. * Tuesday June 20 potential Disney audition for June 2024 performance * Saturday, July 29th Toy Story Movie Marathon... friends welcome,,, stay for one or all 4 movies... more information coming as this event will help support our Disney Team. * TOY STORY: A FRIEND IN ME: Ballet soloist auditions Saturday, September 9 10-12:00. Dancers need to be enrolled in Ballet 2 or higher to be a soloist . * Winter recital January 27, 2024. on a side note, anyone know my favorite ride at Disneyland? Thank you all for reading and see you all soon or sooner. Kindly, Lori
Hello Dancers and Families:
Happy Wednesday! Here is the news for this week. Ballet Repertoire and Lion King students if you did not get a previous message from me please let me know. * RECITAL TICKETS GO ON SALE THIS FRIDAY AT NOON! Ticket prices are higher at the door so get them before the show. Seats are assigned and there is handicap seating. If you have not been to this theater before, please know that there are no steps inside the auditorium and the seats are on an incline, additionally children 2 and under are free. You will need this link: https://28393.danceticketing.com/ More: Mom's rehearsal will take place this Saturday from 9-10:00 with Miss Karie and then again on May 20 and June 10 from 9-10:00. Come and join in the fun! Learn a short dance to perform in the matinee, easy I promise! and More: Our summer classes are posted on line including Miss Connie's tumbling intensive which is back for July only. Feel free to register your dancer and pay at the time of class. Fees posted for July may not reflect the actual number of classes your dancer attends. Our summer schedule is short this year with Fall classes starting July 31. I expect this schedule to be posted by the end of the month. The teachers and I will be meeting to discus fall placements and your dancer will get a suggested fall schedule in the coming weeks. If you have any questions on this just let me know. and still More: DISNEY WORLD JUNE 2024! If you are interested in learning about a performance opportunity to the Greatest Showman in Walt Disney World for next summer, I invite you to come to an informational meeting next Tuesday, May 23 at 6:30. Come find out what I have been working on for the past 2 + years! Disney requires dancers to be 7 years old at the time of the performance for the purposes of planning. This is replacing our New York trip and performance. If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like to be added to the interest list please let me know. Finally, we will be closed on MONDAY, May 29 fro Memorial Day, weekend classes will be held. I think that is all for this week so thank you for reading and let me know what I have missed; brownie points if you know how many seniors we have graduating this season. See you all soon or sooner. Kindly, Lori Hello Dancers and Families: I hope this message finds you well. Lion King Dancers, you should have received a previous message from me so if you didn't please let me know and thank you. * Rehearsals this Saturday - LION KING - Check your message. * Attached to this message is the dress rehearsal and ticket information for the June recital. Tickets go on sale next week, May 19th starting at NOON. Seats are assigned and children 2 and under a free. Please get your tickets in advance as prices are higher at the door. Information can be found on the dress rehearsal form and will be sent out and posted on our social media accounts during the next weeks Wednesday email. and MORE: Attention Mom's who will be joining us by performing in the matinee. This notice is for you! The first rehearsal will take place on Saturday, May 20, from 9-10:00. Additional rehearsals will be held on Saturday, June 3, 9-10:00 and Saturday, June 10, 9-10:00 - EASY! For planning purposes, mom's you will be dancing in the matinee only, Act 2, the second dance, so you will be able to enjoy the matinee with your families, and then comeback stage at intermission. I will give you more information at the first meeting. Thank you in advance and hope to see you then. Don't forget our summer classes start July 5 and are posted online. Miss Connie's tumbling is back for July only on Tuesday nights and is limited to 10 dancers per session. Sign up early because she always fills up. Non Dance Works dancers are welcome to join current students but a registration fee is required, so fee free to bring your friends. Remember fees are based on our current tuition rates with the exception of our Pre-Pointe 2 day intensive, (there is a materials fee, and Miss Connie's tumbling.) Dancers, if you register online payment is not due until classes start as rates will be adjusted as necessary. On a side note, dancers who are on auto pay and are taking the summer or a few months off, our auto payment plans are paused and in some cases purged until dancers re-enroll classes so not to worry. Fall classes will be starting on Monday, July 31 - this is for several reasons which include school schedules and tuition weeks. https://app.thestudiodirector.com/danceworksoforangecoun/portal.sd I anticpate our fall class schedule to be posted by the end of May and dancers, you will be receiving in the mail after the recital class recommendations to help you with registration. Thank you all for reading and please let me know what I have missed. Could you tell me what is the date of our June 15 dress rehearsal day.................... See you all soon or sooner. Kindly, Lori ![]()
Hello Dancers and Families:
I hope everyone is having a great week. As my family is in town from out of state I am in and out of the office these next few days so if you have any questions or need assistance please ask your teacher or email me for a quicker response. NO CLASSES OR REHEARSALS THIS SATURDAY! The parking lot is being resurfaced. Due to the parking lot closure, we will be having a Lion King rehearsal this Friday for everyone who is available from 5-7:00. * Don't forget May Tuition is due, feel free to pay by Venmo or through the parent portal. * snd More: The summer schedule is now available. See our portal or the studio for schedules. Miss Connies Tumbling is back with 2 sessions on Tuesdays. That is all for this week so thank you for reading. Who knows where I am going today? Please let me know what I have missed and if you nee anything. Kindly, Lori Hello Dancers and Families: Just one message for this week so kindly read it carefully. May, yes, May tuition is coming up and due by the 10th so please pay by then to avoid a late fee. * A shout out to our Angels Community Baseball Team - they performed to a crowd of over 40,000 people this past Friday when the Angels hosted, Kansas City and won on Star Wars Fan night! * Rehearsals this Saturday: Lion King: 8:30-10:00 Young SImba, Timon and Pumba 9-10:00: Hakuna Matata: Ensemble from the last rehearsal 10:00-12:00 - EVERYONE 12:30-2:00 - Old and Young Simba/Nala/Timon and Pumba **** and More: Attached to this message is the show order/cast list and dress rehearsal information for the June Recital. Please note any changes to names, or omission and email me by Friday, May 5th. Omissions and Errors are not intentional so I appreciate everyone's help in reviewing the information. Additionally, please know that the dress rehearsal order is not the show order! If you have any questions please let me know and thank you in advance. *****and yet there is more: I am excited to announce Miss Connie's Tumbling Intensive will return this summer on Tuesday nights. Her classes are available for on line enrollment and will be on Tuesday afternoons. There is a $100 fee to attend all 3 sessions., and this fee is not subject to our regular tuition rates as it is an added intensive. Class is limited to 10 dancers, and dancers, you are welcome to enroll with non-Dance Works students, but they will be subjected to the enrollment fee. If there is space available dancers, my attend one class for $35.00. See me if you need help. --------and yet I am not done: Moms' Dance - if interested in participating in the matinee please let me know. Rehearsal, (s) will be held in June most likely Saturday mornings when the dancers are here for Lion King. -----------and finally.....thank you for reading......Don't forget, Saturday, May 6th - we will be closed for Parking Lot resurfacing....Dancers attending Saturday classes, please take My Monday ballet at 3:30 or the Tuesday Tap 1/2 at 4:30 for make-ups. On a side note, my parents are visiting from out of town - do you know where? I will be in and out of the studio over the course of the next 2 weeks. Please know that the studio will not be open on most afternoons until 3:20/4:20 as the teachers are arriving from other jobs and school classes. If you arrive early, just be patient. If you have any urgent matter kindly email me and I will get back to you faster then if you leave a message for me at the studio. The teachers are also able to assist should you need any help. Thank you in advance. Have a great week and let me know what I have missed or if you need anything. Thank you for reading and stay well. Kindly, Lori
Hello Dancers and Familes:
Here is the news of the week: June recital dancers stay tuned... I expect to have the matinee and evening show order out this weekend. Saturday Lion King Rehearsal. If you are participating and did not get a previous message let me know. This Friday, our Angels Team is on! Performing on the in-field at the Angels stadium, if you are going to the baseball game let us know! Bobble Head giveaway too! Game is at 6:30. More: Mom's - this one is for you - perform with us in the matinee show! Rehearsal will be limited. Kindly respond to this message and let me know either Saturday or Sunday morning or afternoons as the best day to get togetherfor rehearsal. We won't meet until June - as this will be a short dance, no stress, just fun! and More: Ballet Conservatory Dancers: Please attend the Pre-professional class this Monday at 6:30, you will be having a guest teacher: Branden formally from the Anaheim Ballet. Rehearsal with Miss Rebecca will follow class at 7:30. Still More: Parents of my pre-ballet students in the Tuesday 3:45 class with Miss Raquel, please look for a separate email from me soon regarding the June recital. Looking Ahead: Picture weekend has been postponed due to a family matter with Mr. Steve, I will reschedule for a later date. And in the here we go again....... SATURDAY, MAY 6th -THE WILL BE PAVING OUR PARKING LOT... Saturday classes this day will be cancelled so dancer please take a make up lesson in another class. My Ballet I on Monday at 3:30 or my Tap I/II on Tuesday at 4:30 works. and more exciting news: TUESDAY NIGHT, May 23, 6:30 is the night! Want to perform at Disney Springs in Walt Disney World in Florida next summer. The performance will take place right after our June recital. I have been working on this project for the past 2 years and am excited to finally get it moving. If all goes well our former Greatest Showman production piece will be the performance. I will be having a preliminary meeting to go over basic details for dancers and families who are interested. The studio needs to audition to be accepted and I can only submit 365 days out so a lot is happening for me in the next few weeks. Attending the meeting is for information and planning purposes, but Disney is requiring a minimum number of dancers for the opportunity. As is always the case, I will be discussing lodging, transportation. tickets etc.... at this meeting. In addition and for the purposes of planning with our younger dancers....Disney does have an age limit to the performance as dancers must be 7 at the time of the performance. This is a studio event open to current dancers, teachers and alumni who would like to participate so come to the meeting to learn more. If you are interested, please let me know as I am putting together a interest list. and finally - Summer classes are posted on line. You can take a day a week or the month, the July schedule is designed to be flexible. Payment is based on our current rates with no registration fee and enrollment my not reflect your actual account. Please let me know if you have any issues. I think that is all for now. I know it is a lot but keeping the messages to once a week is the best way for me to communicate with all of our families. Brownie points for this week if anyone knows over how many times I have been to Walt Disney World. Please let me know what I have missed and if you need anything, thank you kindly, Lori Hello Dancers and Families:
Welcome back from break! There is a lot of information this week so I apologize in advance for the lengthy message, but please know this is the best way for me to reach everyone all at once. Angles Team Rehearsal this Saturday 9-12:00. I will be giving out tickets and final instructions this day. In addition, for those who can make it, I would like to add a pick up rehearsal on Monday, April 17 from 7:30-8:30 for dancers who are available. Thank you in advance. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I need to make the following adjustments to our calendar: Picture days on April 28 and 29 will be postponed to a later date... Mr. Steve has had a death in his family and he needs to attend to services at this time. I will reschedule to perhaps summer when everyone has more time. In addition, our costumes should all be in too! Also,,,,, On the...... here we go again scene...... I am told that the parking lot will now be paved and parking spots marked on Saturday May 6th. As is the case Saturday classes on May 6th, will be cancelled- the 10:00 ballet and the 11:00 Tap. Dancers, consider joining my ballet I class on a Monday at 3:30 for a make up. MORE: Mom's, This message is for you! Want to dance on stage in our recital? and not with your dancers... I am looking to try something new this season...... If you are interested in performing let me know by April 22- and I will put a brief rehearsal schedule for a 1-2 minute piece. ALL are welcome and no experience needed! and still more: June recital performers, for the purposes of planning I am finishing up the recital show orders and cast list, including dress rehearsal and ticket information, I should have it out soon. and lastly: Sign up now for summer classes, tuition is based off of hours, 4 hours is $70.00. Dancers can take a class, a week or mix and match days, flexibility is key. If you need help ask me or your dancers teacher, and due to our short summer season please note classes may be combined for enrollment purposes. If you don't see a class on the July schedule, don't worry, our tap classes and several others will be back when fall starts in August. Please let me know what I have forgot and thank you for reading. Lion King performers, if you did not get a previous message let me know and speaking of Lion King... what animal do I have at home? Do you know? See you all soon or sooner, Kindly, Lori Hello Dances and Families,
I hope this message finds you all well. Just a few announcements for this week. As always, please let me know what I forgot and if you need anything. Reminder that we are closed for Spring Break starting Monday, April 3-Saturday, April 8th. Congratulations to our Dream Team dancers for a fabulous half time performance with the South Bay Lakers closing game. Fan night was amazing with lots of give-a-ways, food and South Bay Laker win! MORE: There is a Lion King rehearsal on the 8th from 9-11:00; yes, I know we are closed, but this is for any Lion King performer who is around and able to attend rehearsal. Looking Ahead: the next Angels Team rehearsal is on the 15th. Parent's kindly pay in the studio or by Venmo for your tickes and , or rehearsal fees if you haven't already. Thank you in advance if you have taken care of this. On a side note, dancers should all have gotten their red shirts by now and for new dancers a red hair bow. Previous dancers, I have a few extra bows left, if you need one let me know. they are $5.00. If you have any questions let me know and thank you in advance. and yet there is more: Our July summer schedule is posted on line and available for enrollment. Dancers, you can attend classes for a day, a week or the month and classes are based on the current tuition of $70 for 4 hours...... the current exception is the pre-pointe workshop on July 5 and 6th. Dancers need to attend both classes, $50 includes class and material fees. On a side note: June recital performers, costume orders are now complete, so please start attending your classes as choreography is is full swing for you performances. More recital information will be coming out over break regarding, pictures and show order so keep checking you Wednesday email, for which I ask, what is my favorite drink? Lastly: April tuition is due. Venmo link attached thank you again. I wish everyone one a great break and safe travel if you are out of town. Don't forget to bubble wrap! See you all soon or sooner, Kindly, Lori |
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